Co-show Managers: Tracy Hisel & Sarah/Brian Mercer —;
Tracy's cell (360) 520-6627. Please, no calls after 9 PM Pacific time!
Entry Clerk: Tracy Hisel —, assisted by Kimberlly
Reinbrecht. Tracy's cell (360) 520-6627 (please,
no calls after 9 PM Pacific time!),
address 549 St Rt
506, Toledo, WA 98591-9719
PayPal address: Please send PayPal payments to
Treasurer: Ginger Stackpole — Please mail checks/money orders to
The Evergreen Cat Fanciers, c/o Ginger Stackpole, Treasurer, 11915-206th Ave
SE, Snohomish, WA 98290-7623.
Vendor/Sponsor Coordinator: Ginger Stackpole —
cell (425) 232-9777 (please,
no calls after 9 PM Pacific time!)
Webmaster: If you are experiencing any problems with this site, please email
the webmaster, Betsy Tinney, at
(Please don't email the entry clerk about error codes, broken links, or
other website issues -- she won't be able to help with those, whereas it's
our webmaster's job to deal with them. :)