L 012325b

Check in: 8:30-9:30am
New exhibitor orientation: 9:30am
Judging starts at 10 am

Show (competition) hours:
10 am - 5 pm
Visiting hours:
10 am - 4 pm


Check in: 8:00-8:30 am
Judging starts at 9 am

Show (competition) hours:
9 am - 4 pm
Visiting hours:
10 am - 4 pm


Regular Closing
10 PM on
Sunday, February 2, 2025

 Dr Elsey's logo
To participate in the Feline HCM clinic (to be held on Saturday), please fill out the reservation form below:
Your name:
Email address:
Street address:
City/state/zip code:
Best time to reach you:



How Many


HCM examination by Dr Jerome Woodfield
 - $240 per cat (if paid by PayPal or Square)
 - $225 per cat ($15 discount per cat if paid by check/money order)

$240 if paid by PayPal or Square

$225 if paid by check or money order

 Subtotal before discount
Please select your method of payment (determines your discount):
Total after discount: $ 0.00
Click CALCULATE to calculate your total.
(Does not submit form.)
Comment for clinic coordinator (optional):

To prove that you are a human and not a computer, please answer the following question:

How many hearts does a cat normally have?  

IMPORTANT: To participate in the HCM clinic, you must first read and agree to all terms and rules listed below.
Once you have read the terms, if you agree, you must check the checkboxes at the bottom of BOTH yellow scrolling areas in order to submit your order.


The Club will follow all government-mandated health and safety guidelines in effect on the show dates. Anyone not complying with these rules will be required to leave the show (and the HCM clinic) without refund of any monies paid. These rules apply equally to both the HCM clinic and the cat show.

I agree to abide by all health and safety rules, policies and procedures that are in effect at this show. I understand that if I do not comply with these rules, I will be required to leave the show (and the HCM clinic) without refund of any monies paid.  


By SUBMITTING THIS RESERVATION FORM, I ALSO agree to the following terms:

  • My cats and I will participate in the HCM clinic at my own risk.
  • I understand that I am committing to pay for the HCM exams I have reserved above. This commitment is made as soon as this form has been received by the HCM clinic coordinator, whether it be by website, phone, fax, email or snail-mail. Submitting this form in any of these ways constitutes an agreement to pay for all fees incurred, whether or not my cats participate in the clinic, and even if I withdraw from the clinic or show. I understand that the only way I would not have to pay for my HCM exam fees is if the clinic is cancelled.
  • There are no refunds once this reservation form has been received by the HCM clinic coordinator.
  • I will pay for my exam fees in U.S. Funds by 10 PM on February 2, 2025 via the payment option I selected above. I understand that a $25 late fee will be charged for reservations not paid after this date.
  • Any excess payment is considered a donation to the show.


By entering this show, I also agree to abide by all TICA show rules. A partial list of TICA rules is below; for a complete list of TICA show rules, visit http://tica.org.
  • Per Show Rule 23.4 - Cats or kittens obviously pregnant are ineligible for competition/exhibition.  
  • Per Show Rule 23.8.1 - No kitten under the age of three (3) calendar months is permitted in the show hall under any circumstance.  
  • Per Show Rule 26.1.2 - No more than two (2) kittens or one (1) cat may be benched in a single cage, whether entered for competition, exhibition or for sale.  
  • Per Show Rule 25.3 and 210.6 - No exhibitor shall bring into the show hall any cat, whether for show, exhibition, sale, or otherwise, which is ill or infested with any parasite.  
  • Per Show Rule 23.6.5 - The show committee, at its discretion, may refuse to accept any entry for the following reason: Prior conduct of the entry and/or exhibitor is detrimental to the best interest of the association or the welfare of cats or the club and/or its show.


By submitting this form, you are agreeing to abide by the club's show rules, including, but not limited to, the rules listed below.
  • With the exception of cats available for adoption by rescue organizations, no other cats or kittens are allowed in the show hall unless they are listed in the official show catalog.
  • No cats/kittens may be kept in carriers underneath the benching area.
  • Exhibition/For Sale cats: An exhibitor who has at least one cat entered and competing in the cat show can purchase an Exhibition/For Sale cage, provided space is available.
    • The exhibitor must complete an entry form for each kitten or cat for sale and/or on exhibition and have them listed in the printed catalog.
    • No cat or kitten will be allowed in the show hall if it is not listed in the catalog. The ONLY exception allowed is for rescue groups with cats/kittens for adoption.
    • The exhibitor must comply with all TICA rules regarding maximum numbers allowed per cage (i.e., no more than 2 adults or 4 kittens in a double cage).

I have read, and agree to abide by, all the terms listed above.